Pro-Khalistan extremists disrupted the screening of Kangana Ranaut's film Emergency at a cinema in Harrow, London, on January 19, 2025. The film, which addresses the political and social climate during India's Emergency period from 1975 to 1977, was interrupted when the extremists entered the venue, shouting slogans and causing chaos among the audience.

Local authorities were alerted to the situation, and police quickly arrived to restore order. The screening was able to resume after the disturbance was managed.

This incident has raised concerns within the Indian community in London, with many condemning the actions of the extremists as detrimental to community harmony. Previous similar disruptions by pro-Khalistan groups have also been reported, indicating a pattern of such protests aimed at drawing attention to their political demands.

Authorities are expected to respond with stricter measures to prevent future incidents and may consider enhancing security at public events like film screenings.