Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to represent India at the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Action Summit in France, scheduled for February 10-11, 2025. This summit, hosted by French President Emmanuel Macron, aims to facilitate international discussions on AI, bringing together major global players including the United States, China, and Gulf nations alongside India.

Heads of state, leaders from international organizations, CEOs from various sectors, and representatives from civil society and academia.

Themes: The summit will focus on several critical areas including:

Public interest in AI

The future of work

Innovation and culture

Trust in AI

Global governance of AI

Significance of India's Participation

President Macron emphasized India's crucial role in the global AI landscape, referring to it as a "very important country" capable of making significant contributions to discussions on AI's impact on society. Modi's participation is expected to strengthen Indo-French relations further, following a series of high-level engagements between the two nations over the past year.

This summit represents an opportunity for India to engage with other leading nations in shaping the future of AI technologies and addressing challenges such as misinformation and misuse of AI.