The Special Task Force (STF) of Assam Police has successfully arrested Jaheer Ali, a prominent figure associated with the Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT), during an operation named "Operation Praghat." This operation is part of a broader crackdown on terrorism linked to the ABT, a Bangladesh-based group affiliated with Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS).

Jaheer Ali was apprehended on January 19, 2025, in Dhubri, a district in Assam that shares borders with Bangladesh and West Bengal.

Ali is considered one of the most wanted Jihadis in the region. His arrest marks a significant achievement for the STF, which has now captured 13 individuals connected to the ABT since the operation began.

The STF's operations have been targeting individuals involved in clandestine activities aimed at spreading extremist ideologies among Indian nationals. The group had reportedly been planning violent actions against leaders from the Hindu community and had connections to international terrorist networks.

Operation Praghat

Initiation: Launched in November 2024, Operation Praghat was based on extensive intelligence regarding anti-national activities orchestrated by individuals under the direction of Md Farhan Israk, a close associate of ABT's chief, Jasimuddin Rahmani.

Recent Successes: Prior to Ali's arrest, several other operatives were detained across various states, including Assam and Kerala. The STF has also seized arms, ammunition, explosives, and incriminating documents during these operations.

This operation underscores Assam Police's commitment to counter-terrorism efforts and maintaining security in a region vulnerable to extremist influences.