On January 15, 2025, India celebrates the 77th Army Day, a significant occasion dedicated to honouring the bravery and sacrifices of the Indian Army. This year's celebrations are particularly notable as they take place in Pune, marking the first time the parade is held outside New Delhi. The theme for this year's Army Day is "Samarth Bharat, Saksham Sena," reflecting the army's commitment to a capable and strong nation.

Chief of Naval Staff (CNS) Dinesh K. Tripathi expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the Indian soldiers, stating, "Deepest gratitude and homage to brave warriors," as he extended his greetings on this momentous day. The event not only commemorates the historic transition of command from British leadership to Indian leadership in 1949 but also serves as a reminder of the ongoing dedication of the armed forces in safeguarding the nation's sovereignty.

The parade in Pune will feature various displays, including modern defence technology and live demonstrations of military capabilities. This event aims to engage citizens and promote a sense of patriotism across the country.