Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav is currently on a four-day visit to Japan, where he met with a delegation from Toyota Motor Corporation in Tokyo. During this meeting, he extended an invitation for the upcoming Global Investors' Summit (GIS) 2025, scheduled for February 24-25 in Bhopal. The summit aims to showcase Madhya Pradesh's investment climate and industrial infrastructure, attracting global leaders and industrialists to discuss emerging market opportunities.

CM Yadav emphasized Madhya Pradesh's advantages, including vast land availability, a skilled youth workforce, and excellent infrastructure. He highlighted the state's growing automobile sector as a significant draw for investment.

Toyota representatives acknowledged Madhya Pradesh's potential as an automobile manufacturing hub and expressed interest in exploring trade ties during the GIS 2025. They also discussed their existing initiatives for youth training in technical jobs across India, indicating a commitment to skill development in the region.

Yadav pointed out that Madhya Pradesh's central location in India provides easy access to various markets, making it an attractive destination for automotive companies like Toyota. He also mentioned the Pithampur Auto Cluster as a promising area for business opportunities.

CM Yadav's discussions with Toyota executives included Toshiyuki Nakahara and Masahiro Nogi, focusing on collaboration and investment possibilities that could benefit both the company and the state. The Chief Minister's proactive approach during this visit underscores Madhya Pradesh's ambition to position itself as a key player in India's automotive industry.