Jammu and Kashmir Police, in collaboration with various security forces, conducted mock drills at railway stations in south Kashmir, particularly at Qazigund, in preparation for the upcoming launch of the Srinagar-Delhi train service. This initiative is significant as it marks the first direct railway connection between Kashmir and the rest of India, enhancing both connectivity and security in the region.

The drills aimed to test the readiness of security forces to respond to potential emergencies, including terrorist threats, as the region prepares for increased rail traffic. A senior police officer indicated that more drills would be held in the coming days to ensure comprehensive preparedness.

This new railway link is a milestone since it connects Kashmir directly to the national railway network for the first time. Previously, trains operated only within the Valley. The new service is expected to boost trade and tourism, particularly benefiting local horticulture by facilitating quicker transportation of goods.

The first Vande Bharat sleeper train service from Delhi to Srinagar is anticipated to be inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in January 2025. The journey will take approximately 13 hours and will stop at six stations along the route, showcasing scenic landscapes including the world's highest bridge on the Chenab River.

Local businesses and residents are optimistic about the new rail service, expecting it to enhance economic opportunities and improve access to markets outside Kashmir.

This proactive approach by J&K Police and associated agencies highlights a commitment to ensuring safety and security as the region embraces this new phase of connectivity.
