The Indian Army celebrated its 77th Army Day on January 15, 2025, in Pune, marking a significant occasion that commemorates the appointment of Field Marshal KM Cariappa as the first Indian Commander-in-Chief in 1949. This year's celebrations featured a remarkable display of robotic dogs, officially known as Multi-Utility Legged Equipment (MULEs), which took centre stage during the parade.

Robotic Dogs Display: A platoon of robotic dogs showcased their capabilities in a synchronized parade, highlighting advancements in military technology. The Indian Army recently inducted 100 of these robotic units, designed to operate in challenging terrains and reduce risks for soldiers.

Technological Innovation: The robotic dogs are equipped with thermal imaging sensors and can carry loads of up to 12 kilograms. They are intended for various roles including logistics support, surveillance, and even combat assistance. These machines can navigate difficult environments, including stairs and debris, and are built to withstand extreme temperatures ranging from -40°C to +55°C.

The event was presided over by Lt. Gen. Dhiraj Seth at the BEG & Centre Parade Ground in Khadki, Pune. It featured a grand march past by eight distinguished contingents from various regiments, showcasing advanced weaponry and combat vehicles alongside the robotic display.

Army Day serves as a moment of reflection on military leadership and honours the sacrifices made by soldiers. The day's motto, "Service Before Self," emphasizes the dedication of the armed forces.

The inclusion of robotic dogs in the parade not only signifies the Indian Army's commitment to innovation but also reflects its ongoing efforts to enhance operational effectiveness while ensuring soldier safety. This event marks a historic moment as it is the first time the Army Day parade has been held in Pune, further emphasizing the importance of technological advancement in modern military operations.