India has summoned Nural Islam, the Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh, amid escalating tensions along the India-Bangladesh border. This diplomatic move occurred on January 13, 2025, a day after Bangladesh's Foreign Ministry called in Indian High Commissioner Pranay Verma to express concerns regarding India's alleged attempts to construct fences at five locations along the border, which Bangladesh claims violates a bilateral agreement.

The situation has been exacerbated by recent incidents, including the reported death of a Bangladeshi citizen allegedly caused by actions of India's Border Security Force (BSF) in Sunamganj. Bangladesh's Foreign Secretary, Md Jashim Uddin, conveyed the government's "deep concern" over these developments during his meeting with Verma. In response, Verma emphasized India's commitment to a cooperative approach in addressing border security issues, including smuggling and trafficking.

The tensions highlight ongoing diplomatic challenges between the two nations, with both sides seeking to navigate their border security agreements while addressing public safety concerns.