India and Malaysia held their inaugural Security Dialogue in New Delhi on January 7, 2025. This significant meeting was co-chaired by India's National Security Adviser, Ajit Doval, and Malaysia's Director General of the National Security Council, Raja Dato Nushirwan Bin Zainal Abidin. The dialogue aims to enhance cooperation in several critical areas, including counter-terrorism, cyber security, maritime security, and the defence industry.

The dialogue is a result of Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's visit to India in August 2024, during which both nations elevated their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership. This meeting allowed both sides to review their bilateral cooperation and discuss the current global and regional security environment. They also agreed to institutionalize this dialogue with annual meetings going forward.

Key outcomes from the dialogue include:

Strengthening cooperation in counter-terrorism and deradicalization efforts.

Enhancing collaboration in cyber security and the defence industry.

Focusing on maritime security initiatives.

Exploring partnerships in critical minerals and rare earths.

This inaugural dialogue marks a pivotal step in solidifying India-Malaysia relations, particularly following a period of tension during the tenure of former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who had criticized India's policies regarding Jammu and Kashmir.
