Delhi Police Crackdown on Illegal Immigrants: Recently, the Delhi Police arrested three Bangladeshi nationals, including a mother-son duo, during a verification drive aimed at identifying illegal immigrants. This operation is part of a broader crackdown initiated by Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena on December 10, targeting illegal Bangladeshi migrants in the city. Between December 10 and 28, police checked documents of over 16,000 individuals and identified 46 illegal Bangladeshi migrants, with ongoing verification for others.

In a separate initiative dubbed "Operation All Out," the Delhi Police arrested 11 individuals involved in a racket that produced counterfeit Aadhaar cards and voter IDs for illegal immigrants. The operation revealed that the gang facilitated the entry of Bangladeshi nationals into India through various routes and provided them with fake documentation. Key figures in this operation were arrested, and a website used for creating fake documents was identified.

The Delhi Police's campaign against illegal immigration has led to the identification of over 1,000 undocumented migrants since its inception. Recent raids have resulted in multiple arrests, including seven individuals deported on December 29. The authorities are conducting thorough searches in slums and unauthorized colonies to combat this issue effectively.