On January 2, 2025, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh visited the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) headquarters in New Delhi to celebrate its 67th Foundation Day. During this visit, he interacted with DRDO scientists and officials, commending their efforts in advancing India's defence technologies and emphasizing the need for increased collaboration with industry, academia, and start-ups to foster a synergistic defence ecosystem.

Key Highlights From The Visit Include:

Recognition of Achievements: Singh praised DRDO for its significant contributions to indigenous technology development, which have enhanced the capabilities of the Indian Armed Forces. He noted the importance of self-reliance in defence technology as a cornerstone for national security.

Focus on Project Completion: The Defence Minister set an ambitious target for DRDO, calling for each laboratory to identify two to three critical projects to be completed by 2025. He aimed for a total of 100 projects to be finalized by the next Foundation Day, reflecting a proactive approach to modern warfare challenges,

Model of the Long-Range Hypersonic Missile was presented to the dignitaries
Call for Innovation And Collaboration: The Minister urged DRDO to stay aligned with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. He emphasized that each laboratory within DRDO should focus on completing two to three critical projects by 2025, aiming for a total of 100 projects by the next Foundation Day.

Technological Advancement Vision: The Minister articulated a vision for DRDO to act as a catalyst for technological advancement not only in defence but also in civilian applications. He stressed the need for dual-use technologies that could benefit various industries, promoting a comprehensive technological revolution in India.

Collaboration With Industry And Start-Ups: Singh highlighted the necessity for increased engagement with the private sector and academia. He encouraged DRDO to explore partnerships with start-ups to foster innovation and suggested that each lab organize open days monthly to facilitate interaction with industry representatives. This initiative aims to inspire collaboration and idea-sharing within the defence ecosystem.

Achievements In Technology Transfer: Dr. Samir V Kamat, Chairman of DRDO, briefed Singh on recent achievements, including the transfer of nearly 2,000 technologies to Indian industries and numerous licensing agreements signed in 2024. Over 18,000 tests have been conducted to support private sector development.

Vision for 2025: Declaring 2025 as the "Year of Reforms," Singh outlined a vision for transforming India's military into a technologically advanced force. He called upon DRDO to develop niche technologies that align with contemporary defence needs and global standards.

The visit by Defence Minister underscores the government's commitment to enhancing India's defence capabilities through innovation and collaboration across various sectors.

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