Defence Minister Rajnath Singh is scheduled to chair an ambassadors' round-table in New Delhi on January 10, 2025. This meeting is part of the preparations for Aero India 2025, Asia's largest aerospace exhibition, which will take place from February 10 to 14 at the Air Force Station in Yelahanka, Bangalore.

The round-table aims to brief ambassadors and high commissioners from over 150 countries about the upcoming Aero India event, which will showcase advancements in aerospace and defence sectors.

In addition to Singh, the event will include the Minister of State for Defence, Sanjay Seth, and senior officials from the Ministry of Defence and armed forces.

Aero India 2025 Highlights:

The theme is "The Runway to a Billion Opportunities."

The first three days will be dedicated to business activities, while February 13 and 14 are open to the public.

The event will feature various programs including a Defence Ministers' Conclave and air shows, providing a platform for international partnerships and showcasing industry capabilities.

This round-table serves as a significant precursor to the five-day Aero India event, promoting collaboration and innovation within the global aerospace community.