The Border Security Force (BSF) has firmly rejected recent media reports claiming that the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) has taken control of a 5-kilometer stretch of Indian territory along the International Border. The BSF described these reports as "baseless and irresponsible," asserting that "not an inch" of Indian land has been taken or will be taken by Bangladesh.

In a statement issued on January 7, 2025, the BSF clarified that the area in question is located in Ranghat village, North 24 Parganas district, and emphasized that the International Boundary (IB) is well-demarcated by reference pillars along the Kodaliya River. The BSF stated that both Indian and Bangladeshi forces continue to operate on their respective sides of the border without any changes to their duties over the years.

It also refuted claims that BGB personnel had started 24-hour patrolling the area using motorised boats and ATVs since December 19.

The Border Security Force (BSF) has provided several points to refute the claims made by the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) regarding control over Indian territory:

Statement Dismissal: The BSF has labelled the allegations as "baseless and irresponsible," asserting that "not a single inch" of Indian territory has been encroached upon by Bangladesh. They emphasize that both forces are managing their respective jurisdictions according to established guidelines from 1975, which delineate the International Boundary (IB).

Defined Boundaries: The BSF clarified that the area in question is located in Ranghat village, North 24 Parganas district, and is well-defined by reference pillars along the Kodaliya River, which serves as a natural boundary. They stated that there has been no change in the status of the boundary or their operational duties, which have remained consistent for decades.

Refutation of Patrol Claims: The BSF specifically refuted claims that the BGB has initiated 24-hour patrolling using motorized boats and all-terrain vehicles since December 19, describing these reports as fabricated. They reiterated that both the BSF and BGB operate within their designated zones along the river.

Monitoring and Security Measures: Acknowledging that the area is unfenced and vulnerable to illegal activities, the BSF highlighted that they have implemented stringent measures which have significantly reduced incidents of smuggling and infiltration attempts, asserting that such attempts have dropped to negligible levels.

The controversy arose from claims made by a newly appointed commanding officer of the BGB, Lt Col Rafique Islam, who suggested that Bangladesh had begun 24-hour patrols in the area using motorized boats and all-terrain vehicles since December 19. The BSF refuted these assertions, stating that they are part of a misinformation campaign and reaffirmed their commitment to maintaining peace and security along the border.