On January 22, 2025, the Border Security Force (BSF) of India and the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) held a high-level coordination meeting at the Sonamasjid Border Outpost in Bangladesh. This meeting aimed to enhance bilateral cooperation and address pressing issues along the India-Bangladesh border.

The meeting was led by Tarun Kumar Gautam, DIG of BSF Malda Sector, and Colonel Mohammad Imran Ibne Rouf, Sector Commander of BGB Rajshahi Sector. Both sides included senior officers from their respective forces.

Control of Illegal Activities: The forces discussed strategies to curb illegal activities, including smuggling and unauthorized movement across the border. They emphasized preventing the movement of individuals other than farmers near the international boundary.

Recent Incidents: The meeting addressed a recent altercation at the Sukdevpur border on January 18, which highlighted ongoing tensions and the need for effective conflict resolution mechanisms.

Border Management: Both sides expressed commitment to improving border management through dialogue and consensus, aiming to resolve disputes amicably and prevent misinformation in media reports about border issues.

The meeting concluded positively, with both parties agreeing to continue regular coordination meetings to strengthen their partnership and ensure peace along the border. The BSF reiterated its dedication to maintaining security and fostering cordial relations with Bangladesh.

This engagement reflects the ongoing efforts by both nations to manage their shared border effectively while addressing mutual concerns regarding security and illegal activities.