On January 9, 2025, senior commanders from the Border Security Force (BSF) of India and the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) convened an informal meeting at the integrated check post in Petrapole, West Bengal. This meeting aimed to enhance border coordination and address various mutual concerns, particularly in light of recent tensions regarding border fencing in the Malda district.

Key Points Discussed Includes:

Border Management: The commanders emphasized effective management of the India-Bangladesh border to foster peace and cooperation between the two nations. They addressed strategies to prevent illegal crossings and combat cross-border crime.

Joint Efforts Against Crime: Both sides reiterated their commitment to collaborate on issues such as smuggling and human trafficking, which have been exacerbated by political unrest in Bangladesh.

Development Activities: The discussions also covered ongoing development initiatives in border areas, highlighting the importance of infrastructure improvements for better security and cooperation.

The meeting was characterized as a routine yet significant step towards strengthening bilateral relations and ensuring stability along the border. Both forces reaffirmed their dedication to maintaining a peaceful environment and resolving any emerging issues through regular dialogue.