Baramulla Police have successfully arrested three terrorists involved in a grenade attack on the 163 Territorial Army (TA) security force camp located in Hamray Pattan, Jammu and Kashmir. The incident occurred on January 7, 2025, around 7:40 PM, when unidentified assailants launched a grenade at the camp, causing significant damage but fortunately resulting in no casualties or injuries.

Details of The Arrests

The arrests were made within 24 hours following the attack, showcasing the prompt response of local law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Baramulla's Superintendent of Police (SP) Firoz Yehya confirmed that the police recovered important materials from the suspects, including:

One hand grenade

An AK series rifle

A pistol

250 live rounds of AK ammunition

21 live rounds of pistol ammunition.

The arrested individuals include a mastermind who had been evading arrest in a narco-terror case for two years, a surrendered released terrorist, and the son of another surrendered terrorist.

Legal action is being pursued against them, with an FIR registered under relevant sections by joint forces.

This operation highlights the Baramulla Police's commitment to combating terrorism and maintaining security in the region amidst ongoing threats to safety.