The Indian Army has recently inaugurated two bailey bridges over the Shyok River, enhancing connectivity between the Shyok and Nubra valleys in Ladakh. Constructed by the Fire and Fury Corps Engineers, each bridge measures 50 feet wide and 100 feet long.

These new crossings significantly improve local transportation by reducing travel distance by approximately 40 kilometers and cutting travel time by about two hours for residents of the most remote villages in the region.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by various dignitaries, including military officials and local community leaders from villages such as Charasa, Burma, Kuri, and Murgi.

These bridges are a significant boon to the local population, particularly during the harsh winter months, improving accessibility to essential services and fostering better connectivity for the villages in the Siachen region.

The bridges are expected to be particularly beneficial during harsh winter months, as they enhance access to essential services and foster better connectivity for communities in the Siachen region.
