Three Naxalites were killed in an encounter with security forces in Bijapur district, Chhattisgarh, on January 12, 2025. The gunfight occurred in the morning within the Indravati National Park area during an anti-Naxalite operation conducted by a joint team comprising personnel from the District Reserve Guard (DRG), Special Task Force (STF), and District Force, as confirmed by Inspector General of Police for the Bastar Range, Sundarraj P.

Following the exchange of fire, the bodies of the Naxalites, who were found dressed in 'uniform,' along with firearms—including automatic weapons—and explosives were recovered from the scene. A search operation is ongoing in the area to ensure no further threats remain.

This incident marks a continuation of intensified anti-Naxalite operations in Chhattisgarh, with a total of 12 Naxalites reported killed in various encounters across the state this year. Notably, prior operations led to the deaths of five Naxalites in the Abujhmad region and three others in Sukma district earlier this month.