Three Maoists were killed in an encounter with security forces in Bijapur district, Chhattisgarh, on Sunday, January 12, 2025. The gunfight occurred during a joint anti-Maoist operation in the Indravati National Park area, initiated based on specific intelligence regarding Maoist presence in the region. The operation involved personnel from the District Reserve Guard (DRG), Special Task Force (STF), and District Force.

Following the exchange of gunfire, the bodies of the three deceased Maoists were recovered along with firearms, including automatic weapons, and explosives. There were no reported injuries among security personnel during this encounter. This incident adds to the ongoing efforts against Maoist insurgency in the state; a total of 12 Maoists have been neutralized in separate encounters in Chhattisgarh so far this year.

The region remains a hotspot for Maoist activity, and security forces are continuing their operations to combat this insurgency. Last year alone, 219 Maoists were killed in various encounters across Chhattisgarh.