Defence Minister Rajnath Singh emphasized India's precarious security situation during a recent address to Army personnel in Mhow, Madhya Pradesh. He described India as "not very lucky" regarding its security landscape, particularly highlighting ongoing challenges along its northern and western borders. Singh urged the armed forces to maintain vigilance against both internal and external threats, stating that enemies remain active and that timely, effective responses are crucial to national security.

In his remarks, Singh noted the importance of discipline and dedication within the military, comparing their training regimen to that of wartime. He expressed admiration for the cleanliness and commitment observed in Army establishments across the country, reinforcing the idea that such dedication is vital for maintaining national security.

Singh's comments come amidst a broader context of India's strategic military posture, which includes enhancing defence capabilities and fostering self-reliance in defence production. He reiterated that despite being a peace-loving nation, India must be prepared for potential conflicts to preserve peace and stability.