India, Israel Share Same Challenges On Security And Extremism, Says Israeli Envoy

An Israeli envoy recently highlighted the shared challenges of security and extremism faced by India and Israel. During a statement made on December 14, 2024, he emphasized the similarities in the experiences of both nations regarding terrorism and violence. Shoshani, the envoy, pointed out that both countries have suffered from attacks that target civilians, drawing parallels between the historical experiences of the Jewish community in India and the current threats faced by the Hindu community in neighboring regions.
Shoshani articulated a deep understanding of suffering, referencing the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israel and expressing solidarity with India in its own struggles against extremism. He noted that crises could spur innovation, suggesting that challenges could lead to advancements in various fields, including telecommunications and medical technology.
Furthermore, he underscored the importance of military strength as foundational to economic stability, stating, "You can't have a strong economy with a weak Army." This reflects a broader sentiment regarding the necessity of robust defense capabilities in addressing security threats effectively.
The discussions also touched on ongoing collaborations between India and Israel in defence and counterterrorism efforts, which have been strengthened over the years due to their mutual interests in combating extremist violence and ensuring regional stability.