The Indian Air Force (IAF) has recently made a significant advancement by commissioning its first batch of officers into the newly established Weapon Systems (WS) branch. This historic development marks the first addition of an operational branch to the IAF since India's independence.

Creation And Purpose: The WS branch was officially approved by the government on October 8, 2022. It aims to consolidate all weapon system operators under one entity, enhancing the operational employment of ground-based and airborne weapon systems. This strategic move allows fighter pilots to focus on their core competencies in flying combat jets, while specialized officers manage complex weapon systems.

Specialized Streams: The WS branch encompasses four specialized streams:

1. Surface-to-Surface Missiles

2. Surface-to-Air Missiles

3. Remotely Piloted Aircraft

4. Weapon System Operators in Twin/Multi-Crew Aircraft

First Batch Commissioning

The inaugural group consists of 33 officer cadets, who will join the IAF academy at the beginning of 2025 and will be commissioned as WS branch officers by the end of that year.

Training Structure: The training will occur in two stages: Initial training at the IAF Academy in Dundigal. Follow-up training at a newly established Weapon Systems School at Begumpet, Hyderabad, which will focus on specialized skills relevant to their roles.

The introduction of this branch is expected to save the IAF approximately ₹3,400 crore by reducing expenditures associated with flying training for pilots who would otherwise be diverted for non-flying tasks.

The establishment of the WS branch not only enhances the operational capabilities of the IAF but also aligns with modern warfare requirements, where sophisticated weapon systems demand specialized knowledge and skills. The new training school is poised to play a crucial role in preparing these officers for their future responsibilities within the IAF.