Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai has reported to Union Home Minister Amit Shah that the districts of Bastar and Kondagaon are now free from Naxal influence. This announcement comes amidst ongoing anti-Naxal operations in the region, which have intensified this year with significant success against Maoist insurgents. In 2024 alone, security forces have reportedly killed 207 Maoists, a stark increase from the previous year's count of 22.

During a meeting in Delhi, CM Sai detailed the progress in these sensitive districts and highlighted the government's efforts to expedite infrastructure development, including the construction of over 15,000 houses for former Maoists and those affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE). The Bastar division, known as a stronghold for Maoist activity, has seen a substantial deployment of security forces and establishment of camps intended to facilitate operations against the insurgents.

Amit Shah is scheduled to visit Chhattisgarh from December 13 to 15, during which he plans to spend a night at a forward base in Bastar. His visit is expected to coincide with ongoing operations aimed at further diminishing Naxal presence in the area.