On December 31, 2024, Bangladesh's Chief Adviser, Professor Muhammad Yunus, paid tribute to former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the Indian High Commission in Dhaka. This visit followed Singh's passing the previous week. During the tribute, Yunus placed a floral wreath at Singh's portrait and penned a condolence message in a memorial book opened at the High Commission.

Yunus reflected on his long-standing friendship with Singh, recalling his simplicity and wisdom. He praised Singh as a visionary leader who significantly contributed to India's economic transformation and regional cooperation in South Asia. The Chief Adviser emphasized Singh's role in strengthening the ties between Bangladesh and India, urging South Asian nations to collaborate in honor of his legacy.

This tribute comes as India observes a seven-day mourning period for Singh, who was recognized for his humility and commitment to the welfare of the Indian populace. Yunus extended heartfelt condolences on behalf of the Bangladeshi government and its people to Singh's family and the Indian nation.