On November 7, 2024, two Village Defence Guards (VDGs), Nazir Ahmed and Kuldeep Kumar, were abducted and killed by terrorists in Kishtwar district, Jammu and Kashmir. The incident occurred while they were grazing cattle in the Munzla Dhar forest area. Reports indicate that the terrorists blindfolded the victims before executing them, and the group "Kashmir Tigers," an offshoot of the Jaish-e-Mohammad organization, has claimed responsibility for the attack.
The killings have sparked widespread condemnation from various political leaders. Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha expressed his condolences to the families of the victims and vowed to take decisive action against terrorist groups, stating, "No words are strong enough to condemn the heinous terrorist attack on VDG members... We are firmly resolved to destroy all terror outfits and avenge this barbaric act" . Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and other political figures also condemned the violence, highlighting its detrimental impact on peace efforts in the region.
In response to the attack, a significant search operation has been launched by local police and the Army to locate the perpetrators and recover the bodies of the deceased. The Sanatan Dharam Sabha has called for a complete shutdown in Kishtwar on November 8 to protest against these brutal killings.
This incident is part of a troubling trend of increased terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir this year, with security agencies attributing these incidents to attempts by terror groups to revive militancy in previously stable areas.