Pakistan has been ranked as the third-worst country in the world for law and order, according to the 2024 World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index. The report evaluates 142 countries based on various criteria, including constraints on government powers, absence of corruption, and civil justice. In terms of order and security, Pakistan placed 140th, only ahead of Mali and Nigeria.

Key Findings From The Report:

Overall Ranking: Pakistan is ranked 129th out of 142 countries in the overall Rule of Law Index

- Specific Rankings:
- Order and Security: 140th
- Constraints on Government Powers: 103rd
- Corruption: 120th
- Open Government: 106th
- Fundamental Rights: 125th
- Regulatory Enforcement: 127th
- Civil Justice: 128th
- Criminal Justice: 98th

There is a significant decline in Pakistan's law and order situation, reflecting broader trends of deteriorating governance and human rights globally. It notes that 57% of surveyed countries experienced a weakening rule of law, marking a continuing decline for the seventh consecutive year. However, it also suggests that improvements are possible, particularly in anti-corruption efforts and justice systems.