Supreme leader of Pashtun Tahafuz Freedom Movement (PTM) Manzoor Pashteen

As the Pashtun National Court approaches, the world’s attention must be focused on the struggle for Pashtun rights and dignity.

As the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) prepares for the historic Pashtun National Jirga (Court) scheduled for 11 October 2024, the Pakistani state has unleashed a brutal and systematic crackdown to obstruct this peaceful assembly. The state’s repression, led by intelligence agencies and security forces, has escalated in recent weeks, with repeated attempts to sabotage the gathering through violence, intimidation, and illegal arrests.

The Pashtun National Court, organized by the PTM, is set to address long-standing grievances of the Pashtun people, including extrajudicial killings, land grabs by the Pakistani establishment, and the destabilizing impact of state-sponsored terrorism and proxy wars. However, the Pakistani state views this Jirga as a direct threat to its interests, which include maintaining control over Pashtun lands and natural resources and using Pashtun areas as a battleground for proxy conflicts.

In recent days, the Pakistani police and security agencies have attacked the Jirga site on four separate occasions, with the aim of disrupting preparations and terrorizing PTM volunteers. Tents were burned, facilities were stolen, and unarmed volunteers were fired upon three times during the night. These attacks have left many injured, but the volunteers remain steadfast in their determination to bring the Pashtun National Court to fruition.

This violent intimidation is part of a broader pattern of state repression against the Pashtun people. In Mirali, Waziristan, the Pakistani state burned a market full of livestock in a similarly ruthless operation. These actions are designed to instill fear and undermine the PTM’s efforts to address the root causes of violence in Pashtun territories.

Through the Pashtun National Court, the Pashtuns are seeking the right to self-determination and control over their natural resources, which are currently monopolized by the Punjabi-dominated state apparatus. The Jirga represents a significant challenge to Pakistan’s establishment, which has long sought to use Pashtun lands as a staging ground for proxy wars that benefit its geopolitical interests, particularly through the funding of state-sponsored terrorism and destabilizing activities in Afghanistan.

The Pashtun National Court aims to put an end to these proxy wars and demand accountability for the violence and human rights abuses inflicted on Pashtuns for decades. Historically, Pashtun communities have resolved political and social issues through Jirgas, a deeply respected tradition that the state now seeks to destroy through violence and coercion.

The Pakistani establishment’s aggressive stance against the Pashtun National Court reflects its fear of Pashtun unity. For the first time in years, Pashtun elders and leaders from across the region—from Swat to Chaman—are coming together in an unprecedented display of solidarity. The state, unwilling to tolerate any movement that threatens its control, has launched a full-scale campaign to prevent the gathering.

Repeated attempts to sabotage the Jirga have included arrests of PTM leaders and members, the raiding of their homes, and the imposition of restrictions on freedom of movement. By targeting the PTM’s leadership, including Manzoor Pashteen, the state aims to crush the movement before it can gain further momentum.

One of the most disturbing aspects of this crackdown is the threat to the life of Manzoor Pashteen, the PTM leader who has become the face of the movement. Pakistani intelligence agencies, including the ISI, have repeatedly attempted to arrest and kill Pashteen in a bid to silence his calls for justice. Pashteen, who has steadfastly advocated for non-violence and peaceful assembly, is now facing serious threats to his life from the very state that should be protecting its citizens.

Reliable sources have confirmed that Pakistani forces have explicitly warned Pashteen that if he continues his advocacy, he will be eliminated. This is part of a broader strategy to stifle dissent within the Pashtun community and to prevent the Pashtun National Court from addressing the deep-seated grievances of the Pashtun people.

In a powerful and emotional speech, Manzoor Pashteen called out the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police for their role in suppressing the Pashtun people. He reminded them of how Pashtuns have historically stood by the police during difficult times, but now, when Pashtuns demand their rights, the police stand with the oppressors. He questioned the police’s loyalty to their own people, urging them to reflect on their actions.

Pashteen’s speech was particularly poignant when he addressed the firing on unarmed civilians gathered to discuss peace. He condemned the police for burning a tent meant to welcome families of martyrs and for dishonoring the Pashtun tradition of the Jirga.“You didn’t just burn a tent—you burned the very symbol of Pashtun identity,” he declared, highlighting the cultural and emotional significance of the gathering.

Pashteen warned that by aligning with the establishment, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police have betrayed their own people. He pointed out that the state’s oppressive actions—burning homes, mosques, and markets, killing over 80,000 Pashtuns, and displacing hundreds of thousands—will not be forgotten. Despite the violence, Pashteen affirmed that the Pashtun National Court will continue, and the Jirga will be held, but the stain of betrayal will forever mark the police’s role in these actions.

The Pashtun Tahafuz Movement has issued urgent appeals to the international community to take notice of the escalating violence against their peaceful assembly. Human rights organizations and foreign governments are being called upon to condemn the Pakistani state’s actions and hold them accountable for the violation of fundamental human rights.

Activists on the ground have reported violent assaults, the destruction of property, and the brutalization of peaceful protesters. The international community is urged to demand an end to this state-sponsored terrorism and to support the Pashtun people in their struggle for justice and self-determination.

The crackdown on the PTM is seen by many as a betrayal of the Pashtun people, particularly by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, which has unleashed state-sponsored violence against its own citizens. Many Pashtuns, who had once supported Imran Khan and his party, now feel disillusioned by the state’s oppressive actions. Activists and political leaders alike have condemned the crackdown, calling for an end to the violence and a restoration of civil liberties.

As the Pashtun National Court approaches, the world’s attention must be focused on the struggle for Pashtun rights and dignity. The violent tactics employed by the Pakistani state are a direct threat to the human rights of millions, and the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement remains at the forefront of this battle for justice. The #StopCrackdownOnPTM and #ManzoorPashteenIsOurRedLine movements are not mere hashtags—they represent the voices of an oppressed people calling for freedom, dignity, and peace.

In the face of overwhelming odds, the Pashtun National Court remains a beacon of hope for a community that has long been marginalized. The Pashtun people’s resilience in the face of state oppression is a testament to their enduring spirit. Now, more than ever, the international community must stand with them in their fight for justice.

Levsa Bayankhail, the General Secretary of the Pashtun Protection Movement in Denmark, Member of PTM EU committee on international advocacy and foreign affairs, is a writer and an advocate for human and women’s rights.
