The AK-203 assault rifle, a modernized version of the iconic Kalashnikov series, is set to be fully manufactured in India by December 2024. This development comes as the Kanpur factory successfully creates a unique metal that meets Russian GOST standards, which is essential for the rifle's production.

The Indo-Russian Rifles Private Limited (IRRPL) is responsible for producing the AK-203 rifles in India, with a focus on achieving complete localization of production. This aligns with India's "Make in India" initiative aimed at enhancing self-reliance in defence manufacturing.

As of now, 35,000 AK-203 rifles have already been delivered to the Indian Army, with plans for a total of 670,000 units to replace older INSAS rifles. The initial batches were produced using technology transferred from Russia, but future production will utilize fully indigenous components.

The Kanpur facility has developed an indigenous metal that meets the rigorous standards required for the AK-203, allowing for the production of all rifle components domestically. This is a significant step towards achieving complete self-sufficiency in defence manufacturing.

The move to fully manufacture the AK-203 in India is expected to reap several benefits for the defence industry. By producing all components within India, the country aims to reduce dependency on foreign suppliers and improve its defence capabilities.

There has been a noticeable increase in interest from African and Middle Eastern countries for the AK-203, particularly due to sanctions on Russia. This could position India as a key player in global arms supply.

The collaboration with Russia not only facilitates technology transfer but also fosters deeper defence relationships with nations that prefer Russian arms.

The full indigenous production of the AK-203 rifles signifies a pivotal advancement in India's defence manufacturing sector, enhancing both its military capabilities and international defence partnerships.