Former Air Marshal Anil Chopra has emphasized the urgent necessity for India to acquire the F-35 stealth fighter jet as a stopgap measure to counter the growing threat posed by China's J-20 fighter jets. He highlighted that China is rapidly modernizing its military and plans to deploy up to 1,000 J-20 fighters by 2035. This situation creates a pressing need for India to bolster its air capabilities until its own Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) program becomes operational, which is not expected until 2035.

The AMCA is intended to be India's first indigenous fifth-generation fighter jet, designed to enhance the Indian Air Force's (IAF) capabilities. However, the program has faced delays, and the first flight is projected for 2028. Given these timelines, Chopra argues that acquiring two to three squadrons of advanced fighter jets like the F-35 is crucial for maintaining air superiority in the interim.

The urgency of this acquisition is underscored by the current imbalance in air power between India and China. The IAF is currently operating with a fleet that is aging and insufficient to meet the challenges posed by an increasingly assertive Chinese military. The F-35, with its advanced stealth and combat capabilities, would provide a significant advantage against the J-20 and other potential threats.

China's deployment of the J-20 near the India-China border has raised serious concerns for the IAF. While the Rafale and indigenous efforts like the TEJAS provide some relief, India needs a more comprehensive solution to counter the J-20 threat in the long run. Acquiring fifth-generation fighters like the F-35 or accelerating the development of the AMCA could be crucial steps for India to maintain air superiority over the region.

Experts argue that procuring a fifth-generation jet has become an absolute necessity for India to counter the J-20 threat. The IAF's own fifth-generation fighter, the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), is under development and will take another 10-15 years to be operationally deployed.

In this context, former IAF Air Marshal Raghunath Nambiar has also urged India to acquire the F-35 fighter jet from the United States to counter the J-20 threat until the AMCA is ready. However, India's purchase of the Russian S-400 air defence system complicates its chances of acquiring the F-35.

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