Turkey's acquisition of the Russian S-400 missile defence system has been a significant point of contention, particularly with the United States and NATO. The S-400s, purchased in 2017, have remained largely unused since their acquisition, leading to discussions about their potential sale to other countries, notably India or Pakistan.

Potential Sale To India Or Pakistan

Recent statements from Turkish businessman and politician Cavit Caglar suggest that Turkey may consider selling its unused S-400 missiles to countries with friendly relations with Russia, specifically India or Pakistan. Caglar indicated that there are potential customers ready to purchase these systems, which have not been integrated into Turkey's military operations. This move could be motivated by Turkey's desire to avoid angering Russia while also addressing its own lack of use for the S-400s. 

However, Pakistan would not be likely customer as it is experiencing severe economic crisis following the 2022 political unrest. It has caused severe economic challenges for months due to which food, gas and oil prices have risen. Only Turkey's generosity would enable Pakistan to acquire these advanced weapon system.

Strategic Implications

The S-400 system is known for its advanced capabilities, including the ability to engage multiple aerial targets and provide layered defence against various threats. For India, acquiring the S-400 would enhance its air defence against regional threats, particularly from Pakistan and China. Conversely, Pakistan might seek to acquire the system to bolster its military capabilities in response to India's advancements.

The potential sale of Turkey's unused S-400 missiles to India or Pakistan reflects the complex geopolitical dynamics in the region. As Turkey navigates its relationships with both Russia and NATO, the decision to sell these missiles could have significant implications for regional security and military balance.
