ISRO prepping the TV-D1 Crew Module for acoustic testing

New Delhi: The Human Spaceflight Centre at the ISRO headquarters in Bangalore hosts a number of simulators to train Gaganyaatris for ambitious Gaganyaan missions to Earth orbit using domestic hardware. The Human Rated Launch Vehicle, a variant of ISRO’s mightiest rocket, the Launch Vehicle Mark-3 will lift off with the Gaganyaan crew module, carrying between one and three Gaganyaatris to Earth orbit.

ISRO has developed several advanced simulators to train the Gaganyaan astronauts, including a Dynamic Training Simulator (DTS) that provides immersive motion experiences. The DTS is designed to simulate the physical sensations and forces astronauts will encounter during critical phases of the Gaganyaan mission.

The dynamic motion is provided by a Stewart platform, which uses three pairs of actuators to provide lateral, longitudinal and vertical movement, as well as pitch, roll and yaw rotations. The Gaganyaatri training experience is accentuated by Virtual Reality (VR) Glasses. ISRO is not sticking strictly to domestic supplies for realising these simulators, and is evaluating the hardware of international vendors as well, to provide the best possible training for the Gaganyaatris.

Features of The VIRTUAL REALITY Rig

1. Immersive Training Experience: The training experience is enhanced through the use of VR glasses, allowing Gaganyaatris to engage in realistic simulations that mimic the conditions they will face in space.

2. Multiple Simulator Types: ISRO employs various simulators alongside the dynamic VR rig:

  Independent Training Simulator (ITS): A table top simulator that replicates the Crew Module's console, helping astronauts familiarize themselves with both electrical and mechanical controls.

   Virtual Reality Training Simulator (VRTS): This simulator is set to be upgraded to provide even more immersive training experiences.

   Static Mock-Up Simulator (SMS): A physical model of the crew module that replicates all controls and displays, used for training in various off-nominal scenarios.

3. Dynamic Motion Capabilities: The dynamic motion rig includes a motion control system that adjusts the simulator's movements to provide a realistic training environment. This system is designed to simulate the physical sensations of space travel, enhancing the training experience.

4. Haptic Feedback: The training setup may also incorporate a haptic full-body suit, which allows for whole-body tracking and provides feedback during operations, further immersing the Gaganyaatris in their training.

The DTS reproduces various motions, sounds and forces such as:

Jerk (sudden movement)
Changes in speed and direction

These sensations are simulated during mission events like:

Stage separation
Parachute deployment
Touchdown (landing)
Activation of the Crew Escape System

By exposing astronauts to these realistic conditions in training, the DTS enhances their readiness and safety for the actual mission.

Primary Goal

The primary goal of this training initiative is to prepare the Gaganyaatris for their roles in the ISS mission, where they will conduct scientific research and technology demonstrations. The training will also help them understand how a spaceflight mission is organized and executed, ensuring they are well-prepared for any challenges they may encounter during their time in space.
