India is poised to sign a significant deal with Japan to procure advanced naval ship antennas, specifically the UNICORN (UNIted COnbined Radio aNtenna) system. This agreement is expected to be announced during the upcoming 2+2 ministerial meeting between the foreign and defence ministers of both countries in New Delhi.

The UNICORN antennas, developed by a consortium of Japanese companies including NEC, are designed for advanced naval operations. They are currently deployed on Japan's Maritime Self-Defence Force escort vessels and are capable of rapidly detecting missile and drone movements. This procurement marks Japan's first major defence export to India, reflecting a strengthening of security cooperation between the two nations.

The specific technology being discussed is the NORA-50 antenna, also known as "UNICORN," which has been developed by a consortium of Japanese companies including NEC and Yokohama Rubber. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to enhance defence capabilities and deterrence in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in light of increasing regional tensions.

This deal is part of a broader strategy to enhance deterrence in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in light of rising military tensions. By acquiring these advanced systems, India aims to diversify its defence procurement sources and reduce reliance on traditional suppliers, such as Russia. The collaboration is also seen as a step towards reinforcing a free and open Indo-Pacific, aligning with the interests of other Quad nations.

The anticipated agreement to procure naval antennas from Japan signifies a pivotal moment in India-Japan defence relations, showcasing both countries' commitment to enhancing their military capabilities and regional security cooperation. The deal also underscores Japan's commitment to strengthening its defence ties with India, a key partner in the Quad alliance, which also includes the United States and Australia. The exact details regarding the number of antennas and the financial aspects of the contract are still under consideration and under wraps.
