Chandigarh:  Experts from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have developed a battery that functions efficiently in sub-zero temperature, which has immense benefits for the armed forces as well as the civilian populace located in high altitude areas.

A device that combines an efficient durable cathode catalyst and an anti-freezing electrolyte fabricated for zinc-air batteries can be used for energy solutions in remote areas where conventional batteries may struggle due to extreme cold conditions.

A team from CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute synthesised a cathode material by integrating it with cobalt and iron based alloy and nanoparticles. The resulting hybrid structure enhanced the durability and demonstrated remarkable efficacy in both liquid and solid-state zinc-air batteries, even under sub-zero temperatures, thereby showcasing its potential for practical electrochemical applications.

“The portable, flexible, and lightweight nature of our device makes it an excellent choice for a wide range of users. It can provide reliable energy solutions not only to everyday consumers but also to military and defence personnel operating in remote and challenging environments,” the researchers said in a paper published by them.

“By enabling energy independence in harsh climates and remote locations, the technology represents a promising advancement towards sustainable and resilient energy solutions accessible to all,” they added.

As the demand for power escalates, efficient energy storage systems are pivotal for harnessing clean and renewable sources. According to the Ministry of Science and Technology, researchers are trying to develop devices with heightened energy density and reduced weight.

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries face constraints due to heavy cathode materials like lithium cobalt oxide and lithium iron phosphate with limiting energy density. Metal-air batteries are emerging as promising alternatives, substituting heavy cathode materials with metals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, aluminium, zinc and iron.

Addressing the global demand for sustainable energy solutions, electro-catalytic techniques like overall water splitting, fuel cells and metal-air batteries offer low carbon footprint alternatives. However, challenges like low rate of energy generation and complex multi-phase interfaces, exist.

To overcome these challenges there is a need to develop high-efficiency heterogeneous catalysts that promise reduced material usage, simplified designs, enhanced energy utilisation and improved device integration, the ministry said.
