India and Russia are close to finalizing a "landmark" joint venture (JV) pact on the S-400 Triumf air defence (AD) system. The S-400 Triumf is a highly advanced surface-to-air missile system that provides a significant boost to India's air defence capabilities. India signed a deal with Russia in October 2018 to purchase the S-400 Triumf system for $5.4 billion.

According to recent reports, Russia has already delivered three S-400 Triumf systems to the Indian Air Force (IAF). The delivery of the remaining two systems is expected to be completed within the agreed time frame. India has also sent its military specialists to Moscow for training on the S-400 Triumf missile defence system.

The S-400 Triumf AD system will enhance India's ability to counter enemy fighter aircraft and cruise missiles at long ranges, providing a solid air defence capability. This acquisition is seen as a significant step in strengthening the defence alliance between India and Russia.

It's important to note that the S-400 Triumf deal has faced objections from the United States due to the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA). However, India has proceeded with the deal despite the potential threat of sanctions.

 India and Russia are on the verge of finalizing a JV pact on the S-400 Triumf AD system, which will significantly enhance India's air defence capabilities.

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