The new explosive is reported to be 2.01 times more powerful than a standard TNT (Trinitrotoluene) explosion

The formulation, named SEBEX-2 - manufactured by a unit of Solar Industries - is said to provide a more powerful blast effect than any currently available solid explosive.

In a major step towards self reliance in munitions, the Indian Navy has conducted certification tests for an indigenously developed explosive, manufactured by Solar Industries that aims to enhance the potency of weapons.

The explosives have been being indigenously developed by M/s Economic Explosives Limited (EEL), Nagpur, which is a subsidiary of Solar Industries.

The formulation, named SEBEX-2 - manufactured by a unit of Solar Industries - is said to provide a more powerful blast effect than any currently available solid explosive. The new explosive is reported to be 2.01 times more powerful than a standard TNT (Trinitrotoluene) explosion. The impact of an explosive is measured in terms of TNT equivalence, and any explosive with a higher TNT equivalence has greater destructive power.

"Conventional Explosives, like DENTEX/TORPEX, which are used in conventional warheads, aerial bombs &many other ammunitions worldwide have TNT equivalence of 1.25-1.30", Solar Industries officials said.

The company also shared a video of a comparative test of the new formulation as against the conventional TNT explosion. Solar Industries is calling the three new explosive formulations a 'game changer' for armed forces because of the sheer enhancement of firepower & explosive effect.

This is being seen as a major step towards achieving self reliance in defence manufacturing, one that is aimed to enhance the potency & efficiency of India's weapons and ammunition.

(With Inputs From Agencies)