Jammu and Kashmir Director General of Police, RR Swain, said on Saturday (June 15) that after recent terrorist incidents in the state, attempts were made by cross-border terrorists' infiltrations to sustain terrorist networks in Kashmir despite suffering heavy losses. He said that the enemy forces would be defeated. He urged people not to fall into "deceptions" and before sharing information about terrorist activities with security agencies, ensure its verification, so that "we remain where we should be". It is worth mentioning that terrorists carried out attacks between 9th to 12th June in Reasi, Kathua, and Doda districts, including on a pilgrimage bus, resulting in deaths of 9 people and a CRPF soldier, with many others injured. Two suspected Pakistani terrorists were also killed in an encounter in Kathua.

Days of Terrorism Numbered: DGP

The state's police chief said, "When you talk about a danger or challenge, you see how serious or big it is. The challenge is coming across the border and they (terrorists) have decided to continue it." He said, "They have realised that (in Jammu and Kashmir) the days of terrorism are now numbered because a major blow has been dealt to the terrorist network in Kashmir. Those whose livelihoods depend on it, how can they give it up so easily?" He said, "The contractors (handlers) are sitting across the border and to keep their shops running, they send them (foreign mercenaries) here."

Terrorists Will Be Eliminated: DGP

DGP Swain discussed with police personnel deployed for the ongoing search operation in villages along with Additional Director General of Police for Jammu region Anand Jain. He also visited the Hiranagar police station and praised the role of police personnel in the recent encounter. He said, "As we see, they (terrorists) are not in large numbers but they are present. They have guns and they are using them against innocent people." He assured people that all of them will be eliminated. He said, "With the flow of information (about terrorists' activities), we have Gram Raksha Guards, police forces, CRPF, and the army. How long will they (terrorists) stand before them?"

Handful of People Supporting Terrorism: DGP

DGP Swain said, "In the past, they (terrorists in Jammu region) tried to spread unrest for eight to ten years, but they failed. Their fate will be the same again."

He said that the central government has directed to increase weapons, night vision devices for surveillance, training skills, vehicles, and manpower and equipment and "we will render them ineffective".

He said that Pakistan's use of drones to drop weapons and narcotics is a challenge. The official said that a handful of people are supporting terrorism and strict action will be taken against them so that they can set an example for others and no one thinks about supporting them. He urged people to continue the flow of information, but verify it first. He said that police have responded to every piece of information so far.

(With Agency Inputs)