According to a news article from The Economic Times, the vendor of Indo-Russian Rifles Private Limited (IRRPL) has filed a petition in the Delhi High Court alleging unfair ouster from the bidding process for a contract to supply close-quarter battle carbines to the Indian Army. IRRPL, which produces AK-203 assault rifles at the Amethi small arms factory, had bid for the contract through its authorized vendor, BSS Material Ltd. However, the bid was rejected by the defence ministry.

The article states that IRRPL had delivered the first batch of rifles to the army last year and had bid for a competition to supply 425,213 close-quarter battle carbines to the armed forces. However, their bid was rejected by the defence ministry.

It is important to note that these are allegations made by the vendor and the matter is currently under legal proceedings. The defence ministry's decision to reject the bid would have been based on their evaluation of various factors and requirements for the contract.

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