Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS) howitzer is an indigenously developed artillery gun and one among the most advanced artillery guns in the world. ATGAS is a large calibre Gun system with the capability to program and fire future Long Range Guided Munitions (LRGM) to achieve precision and deep strike. Developed over four years by the Armament Research & Development Establishment (ARDE) lab.

It was used for the first time in the 21-gun salute at the Red Fort in Aug 2022. ATAGS Howitzer has a range of around 48 km which is the highest among all such type of guns.

ATAGS is software driven, with all electric drives, software, GUI, and sensor-based interlocks. The ATAGS is designed to be maintainable and reliable over long periods of time

The ATAGS is a 155/52mm towed gun developed by the Indian Army to replace its aging multi-calibre guns.

It has an all-electric drive and advanced features like high mobility, quick deployability, auxiliary power mode, advanced communications system, and automatic command and control system with night capability in direct-fire mode.

It has many advanced features, including:

High mobility
Quick deployability
Auxiliary power mode
Advanced communication system
Automatic command and control system
Night capability
Compatibility with C3I systems
Programmable long range guided munitions
Equipped with Artificial Intelligence, one example of use is in the reduction of turning circle
Installation of two linear variable displacement transducers (LVDTs) and connecting them to a triangle to the towing vehicle
Development of indigenous algorithms for gun control
ATAGS can be controlled in every milli-second level

The ATAGS can fire five successive rounds in a short duration, and is suitable for all climate and terrain systems. In 2017, the ATAGS broke the record for longest-range artillery gun when it fired standard high explosive-base-bleed (HE-BB) ammunition to a range of about 48 km.

The ATAGS project began in 2013, and production is scheduled to commence in 2019. The first ATAGS Howitzer was used for the ceremonial 21-gun salute at the Red Fort on Independence Day in 1988.

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