There’s an increase in defence cooperation between India and Spain, as indicated by Jose Maria Ridao Dominguez, the Spanish ambassador to India. He asserted that Spain is ready and willing to provide additional Airbus C295 military transport airplanes should New Delhi express a desire for more.

India ordered 56 Airbus C295 units. Per the terms of the agreement, 16 of these units are slated for production on Spanish terrain in Seville. By 2025, they should be delivered to India’s Ministry of Defence. The remaining 40 units will be built right on Indian soil, specifically at the TATA Advanced Systems [TASL] manufacturing facilities.

Dominguez made it clear that there are no political rifts between Spain and India. He indicated that should India express the desire, his nation is poised to provide additional military transport aircraft. This move would firmly position India as a significant ally within the Indo-Pacific region. Local specialists have proposed that if India were to scale up the procurement of Airbus C295, it’s highly possible that this number could be manufactured domestically – or at least the majority of it, they add.

It’s not just transport aircraft that’s seeing action. The Spanish defence company Navantia has also pitched in, vying for a contract. They’re aiming to construct six submarines for India under the initiative known as Project 75[I].