Tel Aviv: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said Israel is ready with its fighters in the Gaza Strip at the front line.

"With our fighters in the Gaza Strip, on the front line. We are all ready," Netanyahu wrote on 'X' on Saturday.

Netanyahu on Saturday toured Kibbutz Be'eri and Kibbutz Kfar Azza, two of the worst hit Gaza border communities in last week's Hamas onslaught, his office announced, The Times of Israel reported.

As per a statement, Netanyahu "walked between the ruins of the houses where these terrible massacres took place."

The prime minister was briefed by the IDF officers there, including the head of the paratrooper battalion.

The visit comes as Netanyahu's first visit to the scene, more than a week after the attack that saw more than 1,300 Israelis killed, most of them civilians, as waves of Hamas terrorists breached the border.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) has said that upon receiving the report of wounded following the infiltration of terrorists in Zikim, the soldiers of Unit 669 were rushed to the field.

"The forces worked to rescue the wounded under fire and mortar fire. Since the beginning of the fighting, Unit 669 rescued about 200 wounded in about 45 rescues," the IAF wrote on 'X'.

In the wake of Israel Hamas war in the Gaza Strip which claimed the loss of thousands of lives on both sides including civilians, an agreement has been reached under which Israel will allow foreigners to leave the war-torn Gaza, Times of Israel reported on Saturday.

Egypt, Israel and the United States have agreed to allow foreigners residing in Gaza to pass through the Rafah border crossing into Egypt, under which Israel agreed to refrain from striking areas the foreigners would pass through on their way out of the Palestinian territory.

The Israeli publication added that Qatar was involved in the negotiations and the participants received approval from the Palestinian terror groups, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Moreover, the agreement does not involve anything about the release of hostages being held by Hamas.

A second official at the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing point says they received "instructions" to reopen it on Saturday afternoon for foreigners coming from Gaza.

The first official said negotiations were still underway to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza through the crossing point.

Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media.

Israel has ordered a mass evacuation of Palestinians from the northern Gaza Strip.

Additionally, US State Secretary Antony Blinken during his visit to Qatar on Saturday said that they are working on setting humanitarian corridors to save the lives of civilians suffering due to the war.