US President Joe Biden Compares Hamas Attack To 'Fifteen 9/11s' For A Nation The Size of Israel

Tel Aviv: US President Joe Biden on Wednesday compared the Hamas attack to "fifteen 9/11s" for a nation the size of Israel while retreating that America stood with Israelis and their demand for justice.
"My message to any State or any other hostile actor thinking about attacking Israel remains the same as it was a week ago - Don't. Don't. Don't. Since this terrorist attack, we have seen it described as Israel's 9/11. But for the nations the size of Israel, it was like fifteen 9/11s," the US President said at a press conference in Tel Aviv.
He said Israel was born to be a safe place for the Jewish people of the world. That's why it was born. "Long said, if Israel didn't exist we would have to invent it. While it may not feel that way today, Israel must again be a safe place for the Jewish people. I promise you, we will do everything in our power to make sure that it will be," Biden said.
He said scores of innocents from infants to elderly grandparents, Israelis and Americans have been taken hostage.
"Children slaughtered, babies slaughtered, entire families massacred, raped, beheaded, bodies burned alive. Mass committed atrocities, that recall the worst ravages of ISIS unleashing pure unadulterated evil upon the world. There's no rationalizing it. No excusing it..."
The US President further said, "Terrorists believe they could bring you down, bend your will, break your resolve but they never did and they never will. Instead, we saw incredible stories of heroism, courage, Israelis taking care of one another..."
Biden on Wednesday reassured Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of the United States' unwavering support for Israel. He emphasized the commitment to stand by Israel as it defends its citizens, particularly in the face of recent terrorist attacks by Hamas.
"In the wake of Hamas appalling terror assaults, brutal, inhuman...I want you to know you are not alone," Biden emphasized.
"We will continue to have Israel's back as you work to defend your people," he added.
The two leaders addressed a joint conference on Wednesday as Hamas continues with their brutal terror attacks.
Biden reaffirmed that the US will continue to work with Israel to prevent the killing of civilians in the war.
"We will continue to work with you and partners across the region to prevent more tragedy for innocent civilians...," he added.
Noting that the founders of Israel declared this nation as 'One' based on freedom, justice and peace, and the US stands with Israel in defending that freedom.
"75 years ago your founders declared that this nation will be 'one' based on freedom, justice and peace. The United States stands with you in defence of that freedom, in pursuit of that justice and in support of that peace, today, tomorrow and always, we promise you," Biden said.
Today, Biden arrived in Tel Aviv to show US support to its Middle Eastern ally as Israel entered the 12th day of war against the Hamas terror group.
Upon his arrival, Biden was received by PM Netanyahu and President Issac Herzog on the tarmac. The usual formalities for such a visit, such as a greeting by the full Israeli cabinet and religious leaders, etc were not observed.
Meanwhile, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said the US stands with Israel and condemns Hamas for its terrorist attacks.
"We stand with Israel and condemn Hamas for its terrorist attacks. Today, the United States designated two of the group's leaders and other financial supporters who enabled it to carry out vicious attacks against Israel," he said.