Kupwara: Jammu and Kashmir Police Chief Dilbag Singh on Tuesday said that there is a need to close border routes used towards Pakistan in late 1980s-90s as corridors for ‘violence as the same are now being used to promote narco-trade and push in narcotics’.

In view of the Dussehra celebration, Director General of Police (DGP) Singh visited Badherkali Mandir at Handwara in north Kashmir’s Kupwara district along with other officers including SSP Handwara Yougal Manhas.

Talking to reporters on the sidelines of the event, the police chief said that people of Kupwara need to ensure routes that were opened in late 1980s and early 1990s for weapon smuggling, should now be closed.

“These routes are now being used for narco-trade and Narco smuggling. A new growing challenge and war of narcotics need to be countered by people of Kupwara. Border areas used for such activities need to be closed,” he said, adding that “Those involved will have to face stern action in times to come. People of Kupwara have to come together to stop use of border routes for trade of narcotics.”

He said that Dussehra celebrations are happening across the region.

“People have yet again started to live and celebrate different important occasions together. Love, affection, and brotherly relations with each other are growing. I desire this relationship to get deeply rooted and continue to strengthen further,” the DGP said.

Stating that the security situation in the region has improved in the last 5 years, the JK police chief said that militancy once is coming down significantly.

“Militancy structure almost stands wiped out of the region now. Very few are left and we are committed to eliminating them as well. With peace, people can roam free everywhere at their will. We want youth to work towards their future and career-building.”

About active militant figures, the police chief said that in north Kashmir there are no militants.

“No resident militant is active or alive in north Kashmir. There may be some floating militants and they continue to be here and there. They will also be eliminated soon.”

He stated that killing any militant doesn’t make them happy. “We want all the misguided youth to shun path of violence and join mainstream and be part of peace. We want all of them to come back and start working normally like everyone else,” the DGP said.

Comparing the militancy recruitment figures, the DGP said that only 10 local youth joined militancy ranks in the ensuing year and 110 had joined in the previous year.

“It would have been ideal that those 10 didn’t join militancy ranks. Among 10 a total of 6 have already been killed in different operations. The remaining 4 will also be killed. We don’t want to kill rather give them a chance to live normal lives. We are with peace, not violence, and urging all misguided youth to come back,” the Police chief said.

About his visit, the DGP said that after a very long people have started to come to offer prayers at Mata Baderkali Mandir mainly Kashmiri Pandits which is a good sign.