Kathmandu: Nepal's Deputy Prime Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha has been admitted to hospital after he suffered a heart attack during his visit to China on Thursday.

The Deputy Prime Minister currently is admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Peking Union Medical College Hospital where his vitals have remained constant, the hospital announced.

Issuing a statement, the hospital said, "On the early morning of October 19th, Narayan Kaji Shrestha presented to the Emergency Room of the International Medical Services at Peking Union Medical College Hospital with complaints of chest discomfort lasting for 2 hours."

"He was diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction and was immediately taken to the Cath lab. Emergency coronary angiography showed an occlusion in the obtuse marginal branch (OM) and significant stenosis in the left anterior descending artery (LAD)," said the release confirming Shrestha suffered from a heart attack.

The Deputy Prime Minister was participating in the third Belt and Road Forum when he complained of pain in his chest. As per the hospital, a stent (small mesh tube typically used to hold open passages in the body, such as weak or narrowed arteries) has been placed and his vitals are stable.

"A stent was promptly placed in the obtuse marginal branch, alleviating his chest pain. Shrestha is currently in the medical ICU for ongoing monitoring and treatment. He is fully conscious with stable vital signs," the hospital said.

The Deputy PM was scheduled to hold rounds of meeting with Chinese officials later on Thursday which now has been cancelled. Shrestha flew off to China on Monday this week.