New York: Addressing the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Tuesday called on the United Nations to make reforms to stay relevant in the modern world and said that the issue cannot remain "indefinite" and "unchallenged".

EAM took a jibe at some nations and said, "In our deliberations, we often advocate promotion of a rules-based order. From time to time, respect for the UN Charter is also involved. But for all the talk, it is still a few nations which shape the agenda and seek to define the norms. This can't go on indefinitely nor will it go unchallenged. A fair, equitable and democratic order will surely emerge once we all put our minds to it. And for a start, that means ensuring that rule-makers do not subjugate rule-takers."

Hailing the inclusion of the African Union as a permanent member in the G20 grouping under India's G20 presidency, Jaishankar emphasised that the adoption of reform would make the Security Council relevant to the modern world.

“It was also noteworthy that at India's initiative, the African Union was a permanent member of the G20. By doing so, we gave voice to an entire continent which has long been its due. This significant step in reform should inspire the United Nations, a much older organisation, to also make the Security Council contemporary. Broad representation is after all, a pre-requisite for both effectiveness and credibility," said Jaishankar.

Notably, reforms in the global systems have been an issue continuously raised by India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the global stage.

During his concluding address at the G20 Leaders Summit in New Delhi, PM Modi reiterated his stance of making global systems in accordance with the “realities of the present” and took the example of the United Nations Security Council.

“When the UN was established, the world at that time was completely different from today. At that time there were 51 founding members in the UN. Today the number of countries included in the UN is around 200. Despite this, the permanent members in UNSC are still the same,” he said.

In his address, EAM stressed the impact of giving a platform to 125 nations in the G20 agenda and highlighted that the issues that deserve global attention were addressed in the summit.

Jaishankar pointed out, "Recognising that growth and development must focus on the most vulnerable, we began presidency by convening the Voice of the Global South Summit. This enabled us to hear directly from 125 nations and place their concerns on the G20 Agenda. As a consequence, issues which deserve global attention got a fair hearing.”

Mentioning the Women’s Reservation Bill passed in the Indian parliament, Jaishankar said that the world’s ancient traditions for democracy have adopted modern scenarios.

"Our latest assertion is in path-breaking legislation to reserve one-third of the seats for women in legislatures. I speak for a society where ancient traditions of democracy have struck deep modern roots. As a result, our thinking, approaches and actions are more grounded and authentic," Jaishankar added.

Addressing the 78th United Nations General Assembly, Jaishankar said India began its G20 presidency by convening the Voice of the Global South Summit, recognising that growth and development must focus on the marginal people as well.

He said the world is witnessing an exceptional period of turmoil.

“At this juncture, it was with a sense of exceptional responsibility India took up the presidency of G20. Our vision of 'One Earth, One Family, One Future' sought to focus on the key concerns of the many just the narrow interests of the few,” he said.

The minister said that the African Union becoming a member of G20 should inspire the United Nations, a much older organisation, to also make the Security Council contemporary.

"Recognising that growth and development must focus on the most vulnerable, we began presidency by convening the Voice of the Global South Summit. This enabled us to hear directly from 125 nations and place their concerns on the G20 Agenda. As a consequence, issues that deserve global attention got a fair hearing. More than that, the deliberations produced outcomes that have great significance for the international community,” he said.

“It was also noteworthy that at India's initiative, the African Union as a permanent member of the G20. By doing so, we gave voice to an entire continent which has long been its due. This significant step in reform should inspire the United Nations, a much older organisation, to also make the Security Council contemporary," he added.

Jaishankar began his address with "Namaste from Bharat!”.

“Our fullest support to this UNGA's theme of rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity. This is an occasion to take stock of our achievements and challenges even while sharing our aspirations and goals. Indeed, in regard to both, there is much that India has to share,” he said.

The G20 Summit was held in New Delhi earlier this month. The G20 New Delhi Leaders' Declaration was adopted on September 9 with leaders forging a consensus.

Notably, reforms in the global systems have been an issue continuously raised by India and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the global stage.

During his concluding address at the G20 Leaders Summit here in the national capital, PM Modi reiterated his stance of making global systems in accordance with the “realities of the present” and took the example of the United Nations Security Council.

“When the UN was established, the world at that time was completely different from today. At that time there were 51 founding members in the UN. Today the number of countries included in the UN is around 200. Despite this, the permanent members in UNSC are still the same,” he said.

The Prime Minister said that a lot has changed in the world since that time, be it transport, communication, health, or education, every sector has been transformed.

“These new realities should be reflected in our new global structure. It is a law of nature that individuals and organizations that fail to adapt to changing times inevitably lose their relevance. We must think with an open mind as to what is the reason that many regional forums have come into existence in the past years, and they are also proving to be effective,” he further said.