New Delhi: Russian Ambassador to India, Denis Alipov said that the dialogue between India and China became very "complicated" following the Galwan incident.

The Russian envoy said that India, Russia and China share a trilateral mechanism with each other, which had been quite active before 2020.

Addressing an event at the Foreign Correspondents Club (FCC) South Asia in Delhi today, Russian Ambassador to India, Denis Alipov said, "We have a trilateral mechanism between us - Russia, India and China...It had been quite active prior to 2020. But after the Galwan incident, the dialogue between India and China got very much complicated. But we are hopeful, we are very keen to continue with the trilateral format which, in our opinion, is very helpful to build the basis for the improvement of relations between India and China. This will certainly happen sooner or later..."

Regarding the release of the so-called "Standard Map" by China, Alipov said it "doesn't change anything on the ground.."

The envoy further said that he hopes for India, and China to reconcile the problems.

The map released on August 28 by Beijing shows Arunachal Pradesh which China claims as South Tibet and Aksai Chin occupied by it in the 1962 war as part of its territory. The map also stakes claim over Taiwan and the disputed South China Sea.

The map also incorporates China's claims over the nine-dash line thus laying claim to a large part of the South China Sea. Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei have all claims over the South China Sea areas.

India and China have been in a standoff for the past three years, with relations deteriorating at all levels due to tensions along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The two sides have held 19 rounds of talks so far to address the boundary issues in eastern Ladakh since 2020, post the Chinese aggression there.

Meanwhile, addressing the press event in the national capital, Alipov further spoke on India-Russia ties and said that both nations have developed a very close and diversified partnership.

"We have never had any political problems between us, never tried to compare each other with other countries, and never advocated... We developed a very close and diversified partnership, supporting industrialisation...and advanced energy. Ultimately we have reached the current multi-dimensional, the special and privileged partnership between us," he said.

On the G20 Summit, Alipov said, "Strongly support India's priorities and hopeful that outcome will be one India aspires for...The summit will be a huge success for India, the whole world..."

"India's clout has risen very rapidly, not going back. India has to have a legitimate voice in the global economy, and politics, be it UN or Security Council," the Russian Ambassador said.