NEW DELHI — The latest modification of the Arjun MBT, the Arjun MK-1A has received 89 improvements over the previous MK-1 version. Armoured Vehicle Nigam Limited (AVNL) had unveiled the Arjun MK-1A Main Battle Tank (MBT) at DefExpo 2022, held in Gandhinagar from 18 to 22 October, 2022.

According to AVNL, the Arjun MK-1A has been designed and developed indigenously by incorporating numerous improvements over the Arjun Mk-1 MBT, which is in service with the Indian Army.

The modern technologies fitted onto the Arjun MK-1A give it an edge over other contemporary battle tanks, said AVNL. The new MBT is fitted with a computer-controlled integrated fire-control system incorporating a ‘day-cum-night' stabilised sighting system that guarantees a “very high first round hit probability“ and reduced reaction time to bring effective fire on targets, said AVNL.

To enhance firepower, AVNL also equipped the Arjun MK-1A with commander's panoramic sight, an MK-Il automatic target tracker, a remotely controlled weapon station, and a muzzle reference system.

AVNL added that the Arjun MK-1A is referred to as a “desert Ferrari“ because of its “mobility characteristics that have proved [their] worth while operating in highly demanding Indian desert conditions“.

The MK-1A has low ground pressure, a high power-to-weight ratio, and a high-performance power pack, including a “robust“ transmission system that helps increase its mobility capabilities, said AVNL.

Other technologies fitted onto the Mk-1A include an advanced running gear system, a new final drive unit with increased reduction ratio, a new track system, a driver's night-sight system, and an advanced land navigation system.

The Arjun MK-1A is a new design that went into production in 2021 If we compare the two versions of the tank according to their basic characteristics, we will find very small differences, but they are there. MK-1A is heavier than MK-1 by over 9 tons. This leads to a reduction in top speed. MK-1 moves at 70 km/h, while MK-1A at 58 km/h.

One of the main differences is in the turret of the tank. MK-1A has an integrated remotely operated turret, as well as an increased amount of smoke grenades – 16 (MK-1 has 12). Back on the turret, the MK1A has improved Kanchan and ERA armour, while the MK-1 continues with composite modular armour. Here, the manufacturer says that in the future, the MK-1 may also receive improved armour.

The Indian manufacturer has made some key integrations in the MK-1A. These include the NERA for protection, the gunner’s main sight with the automatic target tracking system, as well as the integration of the commander’s panoramic sight [CPS MK-II]. The tank’s daytime sights are now doubled, and a laser rangefinder and a thermal imaging sight have been added to them. As you can see, serious attention has been paid to the command center in the tank. The driver now has an uncooled measuring system with binocular vision. In this number, we can include the integration of a new advanced navigation system.

Although the tank moves at a lower top speed than its predecessor, here the manufacturer has made improvements that make the Arjun MK-1A much more secure and mobile in difficult terrain. This is achieved thanks to a new auxiliary power unit. According to HVF, it is twice as powerful as the MK1. The undercarriage features a new system, thanks to a redesigned hydropneumatic suspension system.

Last but not least is that a large part of the improvements was carried out with a local resource. ie. India continues to improve and work on Made in India program.

In the past, the Arjun tank had problems with its 120mm main gun. Over the years, New Delhi has invested in developing solutions to ensure the effectiveness of the 120mm gun. Apparently, these investments have paid off. For example, in August of this year, the 120mm gun of the Arjun tank was tested by firing an ATGM. The tests were successful, which improved the lethality of the cannon.

India intends not only to arm itself with the Arjun MK-1A but also to prepare the tank for export. The first signs that the Indian tank was attracting interest came from Bahrain. This happened in March when the two governments began negotiations.

Arjun may turn out to be much more valuable to India now than was thought years ago, when New Delhi spent money mostly on Russian designs, through the purchase of T-90 tanks. Today, Arjun is at the heart of India’s latest launch program – the development of an unmanned ground vehicle. In April this year, India announced these intentions, explicitly emphasizing that the Arjun MK-1 would be at the heart of the entire project.