The R&D ballistic testing as per BIS standards has been conducted successfully at DRDO-TBRL Chandigarh and is ready for Technology Transfer by IIT Delhi to Indian Industry

NEW DELHI: Researchers at IIT Delhi, after three years, have designed a bullet-resistant jacket for Indian soldiers weighing two and a half kilograms lighter than the ones currently being used by the force.

Professor Naresh Bhatnagar, Dean of Research and Development said that currently, the bullet-proof jackets worn by the Indian soldiers weigh about 10.5 kg.

However, the researchers at the institute have designed a lighter version of the jacket weighing just 8.2 kg.

“The Advanced Ballistic High Energy Defeat (ABHED) BIS level 5 and ABHED BIS Level 6 comply with the Indian Army’s latest requirements and are capable of defeating eight AK-47 HSC and six Sniper API bullets respectively on 1000 sq cm panels after ageing with minimum back face deformation.

The R&D ballistic testing as per BIS standards has been conducted successfully at DRDO-TBRL Chandigarh and is ready for Technology Transfer by IIT Delhi to Indian Industry,” added Professor Bhatnagar.