Chandrayaan-3 has shared two major findings about the moon. One pertaining to the temperature, second on the presence of several elements including oxygen

A week after ISRO's historic Moon Mission, Chandrayaan-3 has already made some significant progress in its work and has confirmed the presence of sulphur, aluminium, calcium, iron, chromium, titanium, manganese, oxygen and silicon on the lunar surface near the south pole. ISRO has released a chart showing the presence of these elements at various ranges corresponding to the wavelength.

Pragyan rover of Chandrayaan 3 has been carrying out experiments on the South Pole of the moon since its successful landing on August 23.

From August 23 To August 30: What Chandrayaan-3 Found So Far

Chandrayaan-3 soft-landed on the south pole of the moon on August 23. Since then, it has been conducting scientific experiments -- first of its kind -- as no other country ever soft-landed on the south pole of the moon. The South Pole is less illuminated by the sun and might have the potential to be colonised by humans, Isro chief S Somnath earlier said explaining why the South Pole has been picked.

List of Elements Chandrayaan-3 Found On The Moon

Aluminum (Al), sulphur (S), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), chromium (Cr), titanium (Ti), manganese (Mn), silicon (Si), and oxygen (O). The findings are significant because if Chandrayaan 3 finds the hydrogen that it is searching for, then it will be a step further in the search for water on the moon.

4-meter diameter crater: As Pragyan rover has been moving on the lunar surface to carry out the experiments, it came across a 4-metre diameter crater which was 3 metre ahead of its location. Pragyan was redirected to a new path. The South Pole of the moon is full of such craters.

Lunar Temperature: Chandrayaan-3 measured the soil temperature of the moon under and above the ground and revealed some interesting findings. The temperature ranges from minus10 degree-celsius to around 70 degree-celsius. While minus 10-degree was recorded at 80 mm under the ground, 60-degree was above the ground -- around 20 mm.