TWTA is commonly used in satellite communication links, earth observation payloads, scientific missions or probes and inter-spacecraft communications links

ISRO Successfully designed, developed & tested traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA). It will use with satellite and send to space early next year.

This is a very difficult tech Only very few firms have the capability to build it. it is a complex multidisciplinary tech involving controlled interaction of microwave with electron beam under ultra high vacuum.

TWTA is a complex multidisciplinary technology involving controlled interaction of microwave with electron beam under ultra high vacuum.

ISRO said its Space Applications Centre has developed space qualified C-Band TWTA for space borne applications, jointly with the Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI), Pilani.

It said qualification involves testing of fragile TWTA for severe vibration withstanding capability, which is critical during rocket launch and also satisfactory stable performance during thermal vacuum condition.

Due to the requirement of such a device, indigenous development can significantly reduce the dependency on foreign sources, ISRO said.