The head of the Ukrainian president’s office called Indian national security advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval seeking India’s backing for the Ukrainian Peace Formula. Ukrainian president’s chief of staff, Andriy Yermak said he and Doval discussed preparations for the Global Peace Summit and urged Doval regarding the need to involve the widest possible range of countries, including nations from the Global South.

“Recent events have once again proved that the Ukrainian Peace Formula is more relevant than ever - for both Ukraine and the whole world. We are actively working with partners to prepare the Global Summit on the implementation of the formula. We expect India to take part in it,” a press release by the Ukrainian Presidential Office said.

This is the fourth time Yermak spoke to NSA Doval this year regarding the Ukrainian Peace Plan and the war in Ukraine. Yermak dialled Doval in February seeking India’s support for the Ukrainian Peace Plan. The matter was also discussed on the sidelines of the G7 Summit in Japan when Prime Minister Narendra Modi met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time since the onset of war. Both Yermak and Doval were part of the delegation. Earlier, both interlocutors spoke on January 25.

Yermak said he briefed NSA Doval on the current situation on the frontline and highlighted the rising number of Russian attacks of Ukrainian infrastructure and cities.

Yermak also raised the issue of blowing up the Kakhovka Dam on the Dnipro river last week and requested him to join international efforts to condemn Russia for the alleged act.

Kakhovka Dam, which holds as much water as Great Salt Lake of Utah, has been breached, severely flooding adjoining areas and triggering an ecological disaster forcing millions to flee. Russia and Ukraine have blamed each other of carrying out the blast which led the dam to breach.

Yermak alleged that by blowing up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant neighbour Russia committed a “deliberate terrorist act and another war crime”. “ This is one of the largest modern crimes of ecocide. The aggressor has caused an unprecedented man-made, environmental and humanitarian disaster, as well as created a threat of a nuclear accident at the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, Zaporizhzhia NPP,” he further added.